Sing Along With Me The Wheels On The Bus

HK$ 69.00 
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出發!輪子轉啊轉,司機杯杯載你城市繞一圈  拉拉轉轉遊戲書經典兒歌,暖風心插畫,掃描QR code 可聽歌喔! 兔子、母雞、麋鹿、狐狸…排隊上公車,司機杯杯要帶大家到處逛逛走走囉!坐好喔,車子發動囉!轉一轉轉盤,輪子會轉喔!突然下起雨,前方看不清楚怎麼辦?沒關係,(滑一滑)雨刷刷啊刷,車窗乾淨了,超酷的;一路上車子顛顛簸簸,(滑一滑)北鼻跟著一上一下,好像在玩空中拋接遊戲,真好玩!插畫家來自台灣——黃郁軒,Smallx2(小小),畢業於師大美術系,作品有《哇比與莎比》,與一系列的Sing Along With Me! 童謠書。This new series of bright, slider board books featuring perennially popular nursery rhymes bursts with energy and cheering illustrations.Each book also comes with five slider mechanisms, and both an instrumental and vocal version of the nursery rhyme - simply scan the QR code on the first page for little ones to listen and sing along!